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Why should you have a will? Its simple, if something is important to you get it in writing. Having a will makes the winding up of an estate late matter a lot easier and quicker. By specifically bequeathing to certain heirs you ensure that your wishes are carried through and you eliminate the possibility of having to go a longer route due to heirs not agreeing on how your estate should be distributed between then.

Issues such as guardianship for your minor children, appointments of your executor and the succession of your business interest is crucial aspects which is dealt with in a will.

Certain business cease to trade upon death and this can be detrimental to your business resulting thereto that the value of your business reduces drastically and that you heirs might inherit nothing.

Why should you let us draft your will?

We pride ourselves in professional and ethical actions and standards. We have a vast array of clients who have walked away extremely satisfied. We are a small size law firm meaning that you receive personal attention on your matter by two qualified and competent attorneys who specialise in, inter alia, wills, trusts, the winding up of estate late matters, estate late planning and commercial law. We make a great team and with fast turnaround times we give it our utmost best to finalise estate late matters within 6 months, depending on the complexity.

By having a will does not mean that your will is correct and in accordance with your wishes and the applicable legislation. A will should clearly and concisely set out your wishes. Why not afford us the opportunity to peruse your will in order to establish whether your wishes are correctly addressed?

We do not charge a storage fee for wills kept in our custody and we are willing to update your will at regular intervals in order to ensure that your will is in line with your current affairs. Feel assured, we have your best interests at heart and we will ensure that your estate is wound up in accordance with your wishes.

What are the requirements for a valid will?

Before a will can be declared and regarded as a valid will the will must:

• Be in writing (either typed or in handwriting);

• Be signed by the testator (over the age of 16) on every page and dated on the last page;

• Be signed by two competent witnesses (both sound in mind and older than 14 years of age) on every page;

• The signing of the will by the deceased and the witnesses must be done simultaneously and in each other’s presence

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